Participants in a workshop organized by “Hashd” emphasized the importance of incorporating the notion of civic peace into Palestinian society at all levels.
Reference number: 87/2023
Date: September 12, 2023
Native language: Arabic
Press release
Participants in a workshop organized by “Hashd” emphasized the importance of incorporating the notion of civic peace into Palestinian society at all levels.
Participants emphasized the importance of working collaboratively through youth and civil institutions, bodies, and associations to embody the concept of civil peace within Palestinian society, spread the culture of love and tolerance, strengthen the concept of partnership based on respect for others, and work to strengthen the role of youth and cultural institutions in embodying the concept of civil peace within society.
The participants discussed the importance of forming youth social movements to oppose all attempts to split the Palestinian national ranks and social fabric and embody the culture of violence within society, emphasizing the need for more meetings, seminars, and periodic workshops for young people to strengthen the concept of civil peace and tolerance within society.
This came during a meeting held today, Tuesday, by the International Commission to Support the Rights of the Palestinian People, “Hashd,” entitled “Civil Peace in Palestine,” in the presence and participation of many civil society representatives, youth activists, and those interested.
Dr. Salah Abd El Atie, President of the International Commission HASHD, welcomed the attendees and emphasized that keeping to civil peace implies adhering to increasing people’s steadfastness and implementing the law.
He stated that the ongoing manifestations of violence, confusion, taking the law into one’s own hands, the abuse of guns, and the large number of victims represent a breach of the rule of law, which would surely lead to further disruption of the social fabric and civic peace.
“If the division that caused national disasters persists, we are still witnessing its repercussions, and the collapse of justice has not ended, in addition to the failure to implement societal reconciliation up to this point,” he continued. In addition to crimes, hardly a day goes by without a death, whether in the West Bank or the Gaza Strip.” The occupation is not distant from these atrocities in Area 48.”
Abd El Atie emphasized the importance of looking responsibly into the causes of such events that threaten citizens’ security, as well as the peace and internal security of society, and working to reduce family quarrels and manifestations of the rule of law, calling for measures to be taken to prevent the spread and misuse of firearms, as well as to limit their public use. Before those in control of law enforcement, labor to promote social peace and safeguard society from crime and chaos.
Dr.Maryam Abu Daqqa, a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine’s Political Bureau, stated that the Palestinian people fell into the disaster of the Oslo Accord, which left many calamities, noting that the Israeli occupation has its goals from the Oslo Accord, as the occupation’s current bold statements prove, that there is no Palestinian state. On the other side, we Palestinians held several conversations.”
Abu Daqqa stated that the American government played a significant role in the Middle East through the arrangement of the Century, noting that the Oslo Agreement served as a precursor to this arrangement.
She added, “We in the resistance have the right to receive all support from our friends,” pointing out that the first Nakba is the Palestinian division.
The assassination of three children from the Baalousha family in Gaza, according to Abu Daqqa, was the start of a violation of civil peace in Palestinian society, while those who do not want the divide to cease want the occupation to continue.
She emphasized that the atrocities committed in the Palestinian areas in 1948 were part of Israel’s occupation strategy, emphasizing the importance of restoring respect for the Palestinian national goal and rebuilding the Palestine Liberation Organization with everyone’s help.
Then underlined the importance of having complete elections, whether parliamentary, presidential, or National Council, as well as municipal and that authorization from the occupation must not be obtained to have elections.
She demonstrated that what is happening in the PLO is unique to it, and thus its luster must be restored, emphasizing the importance of escalating resistance in all forms, as the Palestinian people’s strength lies in their unity, and the joint operations room is the best evidence of resistance unity between factions.
Abu Daqqa blamed both sides of the conflict for the increased youth exodus from the Gaza Strip, claiming that these Palestinian youngsters did not find dignity in their homeland, as the phenomena of migration were desired by the Israeli occupation administration.
In response, Mr. Tayseer Al-Ziri, Secretary of the National Democratic Movement, stated that the Palestinian division is only a geographical division, but that the will must be one to end the occupation and internal division, while civil peace works to identify common denominators to reach a specific base.
“Although there is a class disparity in society, there is a major disagreement, and confronting the enemy must take precedence, as the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian National Assembly have taken positive steps for confrontation since 1967, and after that, a state of consensus was reached,” he added, explaining that the Oslo Accords create a common political denominator among all segments of Palestinian society.
According to Al-Ziri, the post-Oslo Palestinian experience represented a state of divorce between the two sides of the separation, and Palestinian groups participated in the 2006 elections, but this experience was insufficient. He emphasized that the person accountable for the divide is one thing, but the choice is another since the party that lost credibility in the Legislative Council is the root of the Palestinian division.
He added that numerous atrocities have persisted in Palestinian society from the beginning of the divide to the current day, emphasizing the necessity to look for what unifies the Palestinian people.
“There are many ways to get rid of the state of division, and we must strive for comprehensive elections,” he stated, advocating for parliamentary, presidential, and National Council elections to be held first, as they are regarded as entrance points for political engagement.
He stated that the only way out of the current Palestinian crisis is to have thorough and fair elections, as confronting the occupation is impossible given the Palestinian split.
As she talked, Ms. Alaa Dawoud, a researcher and member of the Authority’s Young Dialogue Forum, was speaking about the young and their role in boosting social security and increasing society’s ability to tackle internal and external issues, with an emphasis on the causes for youth’s deficiencies.
It also examined the factors threatening civic peace and social cohesiveness in Palestine, finding that not a single day goes by without an outbreak of internal violence, which may lead to murder, robbery, and quarrels. It has evolved into murder, attempted murder, assault, the burning of stores, houses, automobiles, and property, defamation, blackmail, slander, slander, abduction, extortion, political incarceration, violations of rights and freedoms, and the domination of a violent culture in thought and practice, “There are many ways to get rid of the state of division, and we must strive for comprehensive elections,” he stated, advocating for parliamentary, presidential, and National Council elections to be held first, as they are regarded entrance points for political engagement.
She explained that this necessitates strengthening the rule of law and promoting the values of understanding, solidarity, social peace, tolerance, and nonviolence among individuals and political, social, and religious groups and that this issue necessitates a firm political decision issued by the political leadership to protect freedoms and improve the path of political participation, elections, and the transition to democracy through dialogue, pluralism, transparency, and accountability. Elections, as well as respect for human rights.
She concluded her speech by emphasizing the importance of clarifying the costs and dangers of a lack of the pillars of civil peace, human and societal security about our Palestinian cause, the entity of our society, and the interests of our children, as well as considering national unity, commitment to the rule of law, tolerance, and service to citizens as the covenant of coexistence.