It is time for the people and governments of the world to act to ensure the implementation of international resolutions on the rights of the Palestinian people and to confront the Israeli-American arrogance.
Ref: /2019
Date: 24 Nov 2019
Ladies and Gentlemen: Free people around the world,
Subject / Rights are indivisible,
It is time for the people and governments of the world to act to ensure the implementation of international resolutions on the rights of the Palestinian people and to confront the Israeli-American arrogance.
The International Commission to Support Palestinians’ Rights (ICSPR) addresses you with this appeal to urge you to take immediate action to express your solidarity with the rights of the Palestinian people and to work without delay to implement the resolutions of the international legitimacy related to the rights of the Palestinian people, as well as to invite and urge you individually and / or jointly to exert more efforts and take further measures to ensure a moral and legal response to the Israeli occupation arrogance and disregard in dealing with the internationally recognized system of rights.
We address you today on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, commemorated by the world and the United Nations as an International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, in accordance with the decision of your General Assembly in 1977 to draw the world’s attention to the cause of the Palestinian people and their suffering as a result of the continued occupation, and to affirm their inalienable rights according to successive UN resolutions on independence, sovereignty, the return of refugees and the right to resist the occupier.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
The international community, in particular the General Assembly of the United Nations, is called upon, more than ever to assume its legal and moral responsibilities and take practical measures to ensure respect for the principles and provisions of law, of judiciary, and of international custom and action to end the occupation, and realize the inalienable legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, to ensure that the international community moves from expressing solidarity, to ending the Israeli occupation and its practices by adopting a binding international resolution to end the occupation, providing international protection for the Palestinian people, and affirming the right of the Palestinian people to resist the Israeli occupation to achieve their freedom and political and economic independence.
We commemorate the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People this year, in light of the continuing suffering of the Palestinian people for decades under occupation, where:
- The Israeli occupation continues to occupy by force Palestinian territories, and forcibly displacing millions of Palestinians from their homes;
- The Israeli Occupation Forces continue to perpetrate the most horrific crimes against the Palestinian people, the last of which was during the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip between 12-14 November 2019, killing 35 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, including women, children and whole families, the most serious of these crimes was the bombing of Al-Sawarka house, resulting in the killing of 9 members of the family, including 5 children and 2 women, and injuring 12 others. In addition to committing crimes amounting to war crimes against Palestinian civilians, especially the crimes committed against the peaceful demonstrators participating in the return marches, and the killing of civilians at checkpoints in the West Bank and Jerusalem.
- Continuing to impose an unjust and inhuman siege on the Gaza Strip for the 13th consecutive year, and imposing restrictions on the freedom of movement of goods and persons inside and outside the occupied Palestinian territory, leaving tragic circumstances beyond description.
- The escalating frenzied attacks of the Israeli government and settlers on the Palestinian people, whether the continued annexation, construction and expansion of settlements, and control of Palestinian natural resources, and attempts by the Israeli government along with the US government to implement policies aimed at Judaizing the city of Jerusalem, which means undermining and ending the dream of an independent Palestinian state, with Jerusalem as its capital.
- The continued US policies contrary to international law, the most recent of which was the announcement by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo; that Israeli colonial settlements do not violate international law, in an attempt to legitimize the colonial settlements and annexation committed by the Israeli occupation state in the West Bank and Jerusalem, these actions, which contradict the principle of the inadmissibility of annexing the occupied territories to the occupation state, which is considered by the jurists of international law as the most important principle of the established principles of international law governing the relationship between the occupation state and occupied territories.
- The Israeli Occupation Forces continue to implement the policy of detention in violation of all the rules of international humanitarian law and all international human rights covenants, where there are about 5700 prisoners in Israeli jails, of whom 48 are women and 230 children, while the number of administrative detainees reached (500) citizen.
The situation of Palestinian refugees in the Diaspora continues to deteriorate, where they are subjected to grave violations everywhere, especially in Arab countries experiencing international and non-international armed conflicts, as well as the effects of successive US resolutions against UNRWA, seeking to end to its work. In addition, Palestinian refugees in Lebanon are still deprived of their civil rights. In total, about 7 million Palestinian refugees have been displaced in various parts of the world and in extremely regrettable circumstances. In the same circumstances, Palestinian refugees live in the Palestinian territories, particularly in the Gaza Strip, due to a 13-year-old siege, and a series of Palestinian presidential sanctions that have not stopped until this moment.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
ICSPR urges you to adopt this appeal in your capacity and / or on behalf of your countries, and to take all measures to:
- Support diplomatic and popular courses aimed at expanding the area of international isolation and boycott of the Israeli occupation, including boycotting Israeli products, to discourage Israel and its military forces from pursuing their criminal policies and empowering the Palestinian people to self-determination.
- Call upon the international community to assume its legal and moral responsibilities individually and collectively, and to take practical measures to ensure respect for the principles and provisions of law, justice, and international custom and action to end the occupation, and to achieve the legitimate and inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, through the adoption of a binding international resolution to end the occupation, and provide international protection for the Palestinian people.
- Unify international efforts to ensure the implementation of United Nations resolutions related to the rights of the Palestinian people, and confront the blatant American bias of the State of the Israeli occupation and stop the permanent politicization of the rights of our Palestinian people.
- Working hard to support the Palestinian right in international forums, in order to ensure that the leaders of the occupation state are held accountable for their crimes against the Palestinian people over the years of the occupation, and to ensure that the rights of our Palestinian people are not sacrificed due to the normalization process with the occupation state.
- Urging the Palestinian Authority to immediately and unconditionally reverse all decisions that carry collective sanctions against the Gaza Strip, and hold it responsible for the inhuman consequences of these sanctions, and support the path of national reconciliation and the holding of Palestinian general elections.
- Organizing various solidarity activities on 29/11/2018, the day of solidarity with the Palestinian people before the Israeli and American embassies and before the International Criminal Court in The Hague to call for a serious investigation into the crimes of the Israeli occupation and begin the process of holding the leaders of the occupation accountable for committing war crimes, and activate solidarity action in all its forms to demand the governments of the free world to force Israel to stop its crimes against civilians, lift the siege imposed on the Gaza Strip for the thirteenth consecutive year, stop the crimes against Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, and stop the crimes of settlement, racial discrimination, the Judaization of the city of Jerusalem, and guaranteeing the right of return of Palestinian refugees in accordance with Resolution 194.