I.C.S.P.R: Delivered letter to President Mahmoud Abbas about the current challenges facing Human Rights.
Dr. Salah Abel Atti, International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights (I.C.S.P.R) chairman, deliver a letter with Dr. Hussam Zamlt, Presidential Advisor for Strategic Affairs, to the President Mahmoud Abbas about the current challenges facing Human Rights; during his visit to the commission headquarter on Saturday afternoon February 25, 2017.
The letter delivered to President Mahmoud Abbas came from the International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights(I.C.S.P.R) Desire thorough in-depth discussion with the Palestinian Presidency, and key actors in the Palestinian arena, ensuring set out responsibilities required of them, in order to effective intervention towards ensuring respect for the rights and freedoms set forth in the amended Palestinian Basic Law, and International conventions where Palestine has acceded it without reservations and its international commitments with the State of Palestine at this level, to provide a logical, fair basis and acceptable internationally and locally paving to begin implementing effective Palestinian action to prevent the recurrence of such violations against human rights and freedoms, and establishing a Palestinian legal system capable of accounting the perpetrators.
The letter, provided a description of the repeated and serious actions that of serious violations of human rights and freedoms in Palestine, and crises in Gaza Strip, besides explanations about the challenges facing Palestinian political and constitutional system, which stands on its head the delay in taking concrete steps towards achieving the Palestinian national reconciliation, the long-awaited, with uncountable consequences on the enjoyment of human rights and public and private freedoms enshrined in the Palestinian basic law and the International treaties, the letter concluded by inviting the Palestinian President, to the importance of issuing and implementing wise decisions in processing challenges, ensuring our chances of success towards strengthening its efforts to confront the Israeli occupier and it’s declared and planned policies to undermine the Palestinian political system.