International Commission to Support Palestinians Rights ICSPR follows with deep concern theUS PresidentDonald Trumprecognitionof Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, in a speech scheduled in the next few hours, andmoving the American Embassythere.
This possible step, is considered asan unprecedented and dangerous,Which aims at legitimizing the settlement and annexation operations carried out by the occupying state in the city of Jerusalem, these operations contradict the principle of the inadmissibility of the annexation of the occupied territories to the occupation state, which is considered by the jurists of international law as the most important principle of the international law established principlesthat regulates the relationship between the occupation power and the occupied territory.
This Possible step, is a clear violation of international law, and the US administration mustassumeitsinternational responsibility, justifying that these actions to implement theUS Congress legislationissuedin 1990, and the resolution of moving the US Embassy that issued in 1995.
It should be noted that since the Israeli occupation of the Holy City in 1967,it changed the demographic situation of the city, in addition to declaring Jerusalem as its capital in 1980 under a Basic Law enacted by the Israeli Knesset.
The International Commission to Support Palestinians Rights ICSPRwarns of the serious and severeconsequences of implementing any US step on this
subject, considering that US possible steps demonstrate the inability of the United States to play its role as a sponsor of thePalestinian-Israeli negotiation process, therefore, ICSPR demands the following:
ICSPR considers the US recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and/or moving the American Embassy, a clear violation of the principles of international law, International Humanitarian Law and all international resolutions relevant to the Palestinian cause since its inception, particularly Security Council and General Assemblyresolutions on Jerusalem.
ICSPR urgesthe international community and freemen around the world, to condemnthe US actions and steps, and to issue a resolution to boycott Israel because of itsnon-compliance with United Nations resolutions, especially Security Council resolution (2234) on 23 December 2016 that stated the illegality of settlements .
ICSPR calls the Palestinian leadership to stopthe negotiations under American sponsorship, to end the security coordination, withdrawing recognition of the occupation power, as well as to put a plan to support the steadfastness of the people and institutions in Jerusalem and to form a unified national reference in the city.
ICSPR urgesArab and Islamic States, including Arabic League, and the Organization of the Islamic Conference to start international, political, legal and diplomatic movements to prevent this action and confronting it, including a call for an urgent and extraordinary meetings by the Arabic League and the Organization of the Islamic Conference to elaborate a unified position about the potential changes in US foreign policy towards issues in the region, particularly the Palestinian cause.