ICSPR condemns the killing of the 13-year-old child “Mahmoud Da’bis” by the occupation authorities, and calls on the international community to provide protection for the Palestinians.
Ref: 133/2021
Date: 7 Nov 2021
Press release,
ICSPR condemns the killing of the 13-year-old child “Mahmoud Da’bis” by the occupation authorities, and calls on the international community to provide protection for the Palestinians.
The International Commission to Support Palestinians’ Rights (ICSPR) strongly condemns and denounces the escalation of extrajudicial killings perpetrated by the occupation authorities against Palestinian civilians, especially children, the latest of which was the death of the 13-year-old child “Mahmoud Da’bis,” who was shot Friday evening “November 5, 2021” by the occupation forces in Nablus Governorate in the occupied West Bank.
According to data from the Palestinian Ministry of Health, the aforementioned child arrived at the hospital dead with a bullet in the abdomen. The medical staff tried to revive him and save his life, but all attempts were unsuccessful.
ICSPR reiterates its condemnation and affirming that these grave violations constitute war crimes under the rules of international humanitarian law, particularly the Fourth Geneva Convention and the Rome Statute, and stresses that these crimes would not have escalated against defenseless Palestinian civilians if they weren’t for the international silence and impotence, which constitute a green light for the commission of more crimes. Therefore:
- ICSPR calls on the international community with all its institutions to take immediate action in order to provide protection for Palestinian civilians in the occupied territories, in order to put an end to the crimes of the occupation.
- ICSPR calls on the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to fulfill their obligations contained in Article 1 of the Convention, under which they undertake to respect the Convention and to ensure respect for it in all cases.
- ICSPR calls on the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to expedite the investigation steps into the Israeli crimes committed against the Palestinians, especially the killings and extrajudicial field executions, because of the ugliness, brutality and denial of the minimum human rights they entail.
- ICSPR renews its call for the official and unofficial Palestinian leadership to promote internal reconciliation on the basis of national partnership and work to strengthen the resilience of citizens, internationalizing the conflict and employing all legal and diplomatic tools and mechanisms in terms of holding the occupation leaders accountable for their crimes, in order to compel the occupation authorities to comply with the rules of international law related to Palestinian national rights.