On the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
Ref: /2021
Date: 28 Nov 2021
Original Lang.: Arabic
Press release,
“On the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People”
ICSPR calls on the international community to translate its solidarity with the Palestinian people into practical steps to enable the Palestinian people of their legitimate rights.
The International Commission to Support Palestinians’ Rights (ICSPR) salutes the Palestinian people, the free people of the world, and human rights defenders on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (November 29), where our people, the world and the United Nations revive this day every year as an international day of solidarity with the Palestinian people, in accordance with the resolution issued by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1977, considering that the anniversary of Partition Resolution No. (181) issued on November 29, 1947, a day to draw the world’s attention to the Palestinian people cause and their suffering as a result of the continuation of the occupation, and to affirm their inalienable rights according to successive UN resolutions regarding independence, sovereignty and the right to return.
The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People is a renewed occasion to recall the injustice, abuse and persecution that the Palestinians suffer as a result of the failure of the international community, particularly the United Nations, to shoulder their responsibility towards the Palestinian cause and to abide by their promises to the Palestinian people, represented in their affirmation of the justice of the Palestinian cause, and the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and to establish an independent, sovereign state of Palestine, and the right of return for refugees to their homes and lands from which they were displaced in 1948, and compensate them, in accordance with Resolution 194 of the United Nations General Assembly.
Standing in solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian people means standing with truth, values, principles and texts of international laws and charters, and standing with justice, which the Palestinian people aspire to live in after obtaining their rights approved by United Nations General Assembly resolutions and recognized by the countries of the world except the Israeli military occupation and those who support it and provide it with the means of strength and protection to maintain its occupation of our land.
The prolonged suffering of the Palestinian people as a result of the long-term war and military occupation of the Palestinian territories continues, and the Israeli occupation continues to violate the civil, political, economic and social rights of the Palestinian people in all parts of their existence. It continues to deny the rights of the Palestinian people, continues to impose an illegal siege on the Gaza strip, and continues to implement the policy of detention against children and women, and other policies, procedures, decisions and legislation that disregard all international norms, charters, resolutions of international legitimacy, and signed agreements.
This anniversary comes while the conditions of the Palestinian refugees in the diaspora are deteriorating constantly, where the refugees are subjected to massive violations everywhere around the world, especially in Arab countries that experiencing international and non-international armed conflicts, as well as the effects of the successive US decisions against UNRWA and the attempts to liquidate it.
ICSPR considers that the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People constitutes a renewed opportunity to witness first-hand the suffering of the Palestinians and to draw the world’s attention to the ongoing and exacerbated tragedy as a result of the continued deprivation of their basic rights. It is an occasion to strengthen efforts to restore Palestinian rights, foremost of which is the right to self-determination, the right to independence and national sovereignty, and the right of refugees to return to their homes and lands from which they were expelled in 1948. ICSPR also considers that the successive Israeli measures against human rights activists constitute a denial of international law and its stable principles.
ICSPR declares that over the past two weeks it has implemented and continues to implement a wide campaign to remind the peoples of the world of the suffering of our Palestinian people. Therefore:
- ICSPR urges all those interested in justice and humanity and defenders of human rights and freedoms in all parts of the world to organize various solidarity activities to ensure turning this day into a global day of action and solidarity in all its forms in order to demand the governments of the free world to compel Israel to end its oppression of the Palestinian people.
- ICSPR affirms that the international community is required – more than ever – to assume its legal and moral responsibilities individually and collectively, and to take practical measures that lead to ensuring respect for the principles and provisions of international law, justice, custom and action to end the occupation, and to realize the inalienable legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, in a way that ensures the international community’s transition from the status of calling for the justice and expressing solidarity, to committing to its responsibilities to put an end to the occupation and its practices, by adopting a binding international resolution that ends the occupation and provides international protection for the Palestinian people.
- ICSPR affirms that the international community and the United Nations bear the historical responsibility towards the Palestinian cause, and calls on them to work hard to unify efforts to end the occupation and address its consequences.
- ICSPR urges friendly countries and international institutions to concert efforts to pressure the UN to implement its decisions related to the rights of the Palestinian people, confront the blatant American bias towards the Israeli occupation state, and stop the permanent politicization of the rights of our Palestinian people.
- ICSPR calls on Arab and Islamic countries to stop the farce of normalization with the Israeli entity, including respecting the decisions of the League of Arab States.