ICSPR condemns the escalation of Israeli crimes and violations against Palestinians in Jerusalem and the West Bank
Ref: 75/2021
Date: 9 june 2021
Original Lang.: Arabic
Press Release
ICSPR condemns the escalation of Israeli crimes and violations against Palestinians in Jerusalem and the West Bank
The International Commission to Support Palestinians’ Rights “ICSPR” follows with concern and disapproval the escalation of the Israeli violations against Palestinian civilians in the cities and villages of the West Bank and the neighborhoods of Jerusalem, which include field executions, arbitrary arrests, excavations, provocation of worshipers and the denial of the call to prayer in Al-Aqsa Mosque, erecting barriers and restricting the movement of citizens, banishing the Jerusalemites from Al-Aqsa Mosque, expanding settlement activities, and demolishing homes and properties owned by Palestinians.
According to the available data on the most prominent violations committed during May 2021 (last month), they were as follows:
• 34 Palestinian civilians were murdered, and 3841 others were injured.
• 630 Palestinian civilians were arrested, most of whom were subjected to administrative detention.
• 663 shooting attacks were carried out by the occupation soldiers and settlers.
• 158 assaults were carried out by settlers against the citizens.
• The occupation forces set up 318 permanent and temporary checkpoints in different areas of the West Bank and Jerusalem only in May, and carried out 223 raids.
• Banishing 272 citizens from their places of residence and Al-Aqsa Mosque.
• 811 settlers stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque during April.
• 17 ongoing settlement activities, from confiscating lands to approving the construction of settlement units.
• Demolishing 3 houses and notifying dozens of demolition.
• Carrying 30 raids on places of worship and holy sites, and closing 26 roads and areas.
• Destroying 8 establishments (shops, agricultural facilities, barracks).
ICSPR confirms that the Jerusalem is the most exposed to Israeli violations with 2714 violations, followed by the city of Nablus with 744, Hebron 671. ICSPR expresses it concerns of the repeated violations against Palestinians in the West Bank and Jerusalem, therefore:
• ICSPR calls on the international community and the Security Council to shoulder their legal and moral obligations towards the Palestinian cause, and urgently intervene to stop the occupation crimes against Palestinian civilians, and provide urgent protection for our people from the Israeli military occupation and extremist settlers.
• ICSPR calls on the new Prosecutor of ICC, who is expected to assume his duties on the 16th of this month, to work to include the recent Israeli crimes committed in the occupied Palestinian territories in the investigations the Court conducts.
• ICSPR calls on all Arab and international parties to support the Palestinian people to obtain their full and undiminished rights.