The International Commission (Hashd): The occupation authorities are discussing and approving apartheid laws against the Palestinians.
Reference number: 48/2023
Date: June 17, 2023
Native language: Arabic
Press release
The International Commission (Hashd): The occupation authorities are discussing and approving apartheid laws against the Palestinians.
The International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights “Hashd” strongly condemns and denounces the escalation of the occupation authorities’ proposal, discussion, and approval of apartheid laws against Palestinians, the most recent of which was a law submitted by Israeli Knesset member Zvika Fogel of the “Jewish Power” party, which grants As the aforementioned draft law includes powers for the extremist minister, Ben Gvir, to impose many restrictions on any number of individuals, including house arrest, residence restrictions, travel bans, and administrative detention orders, the extremist minister, Ben Gvir, has the authority to issue administrative detention orders against Palestinians from the occupied West Bank and the interior lands.
In the same context, the Israeli Knesset’s Ministerial Committee for Legislative Affairs recently debated a new draft law proposed by the extremist “Yitzhak Kreuzer,” which allows for the imposition of actual imprisonment on Palestinian minors under the age of 12, setting a racist and unprecedented precedent that contradicts the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the rules of International humanitarian law, which provide special protection to Palestinian minors.
The international Commission “Hashd,” considering that the occupation authorities’ proposal and discussion of such laws is a new episode of the apartheid system that it imposes on the Palestinians, and reaffirms the occupation authorities’ integration in imposing this system, through the escalating denial of the Palestinians’ minimum rights within the territories, Given the international community’s evasive response to occupation crimes, as well as the politicization of international law and its double standards of enforcement, have constituted an encouraging factor for further denial by the occupation of the minimum rights of the Palestinian people, and warning of the repercussions of the approval and adoption by the Occupation Knesset of such laws, which involve aggression He traveled on the rights of detainees and the rights of children.
The international commission “Hashd” affirms that discussing and approving such laws by occupation authorities constitutes a full-fledged international crime, and thus it calls on the international community to condemn the escalation of the occupation authorities’ discussion and approval of illegal laws aimed at legitimizing the crimes of administrative detention and child detention.
The International Commission “Hashd” calls on the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions to carry out their moral and legal obligations by taking decisive action to stop violations of international humanitarian law and working hard to protect civilians and detainees in occupation prisons, particularly children.
The International Commission “Hashd” requests that the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the Assistant Secretary-General for Child Protection during Armed Conflict include the occupation authorities on the blacklist of countries that most violate children’s rights during armed conflicts.
The International Commission “Hashd” calls on the International Criminal Court’s Office of the Prosecutor to include the crime of passing apartheid laws in the investigation file under consideration by the court, as well as to expedite the completion of investigations into occupation crimes and to end the policy of procrastination, double standards, and selective law enforcement to hold Israeli occupation leaders accountable and prevent their impunity.
The International Commission “Hashd” calls on the Palestinian Authority to boycott the Israeli occupation state and to move quickly to end the division, strengthen partnerships, and hold elections, as well as to adopt a struggle strategy based on the internationalization of the conflict and the use of various legal, diplomatic, political, and popular tools, including a request to the United Nations General Assembly to adopt a boycott and impose sanctions.
The International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights (Hashd)