I.C.S.P.R: Continuous stall in 2014 martyrs and wounded’s allocations, is unjustifiable distinction
International Commission to support Palestinian Rights (I.C.S.P.R) concerned by these extremely serious incidents of the Palestinian National Authority political procrastination in adopting martyrs and wounded allocations on Gaza Strip aggression in 2014, so that for the third consecutive year almost the PNA refused to respond to the demands of the families of martyrs and wounded, it totally ignoring all appeals by political parties and civil associations to adopt allocations of martyrs and wounded during the aggression of 2014.
The delays and procrastination of the disbursement of financial receivables leads to the deterioration of the living conditions of the martyrs’ families who loses their houses and breadwinner, under difficult living economic conditions in Gaza Strip, where they faces considerable difficulty in obtaining their right to food, housing, health and education.
It is clear that these circumstances represent the right of those to have their financial benefits like other martyrs and wounded, It is no longer acceptable continuing procrastination, whether from the Presidency or from the Ministry of finance, argued that importing requires the President or lack of sufficient funds at other times, especially in light of a collective belief that the real problem is not lack of money, but the absence of an equitable distribution of the available resources.
This, the number of Palestinian martyrs have risen during the Israeli aggression on Gaza Strip 2014 approximately 2500 martyr among them 541 child, and 6000 wounded among them (3000) child whom 1000 children with permanent disabilities.
International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights (I.C.S.P.R) affirms that PNA should respect the provision of the Palestinian Basic Law, which stated that welfare of the families of martyrs, wounded, prisoners and disabled persons is duty the law regulates its provisions, and that the national authority should ensure their education services, health and social insurance, and considering that authority is binding constitutionally , nationally and morally to ensure a decent standard of living for families of martyrs and wounded, and put an end to violations of their rights, declaring their solidarity with families of martyrs and wounded who is deprived of their rights. It demand the following:
- I.C.S.P.R consider that depriving the families of martyrs and wounded of 2014 from their financial benefits, social and health care, unjustifiable distinction, constitutes a violation of the principle of equality enshrined in the basic law.
- I.C.S.P.R demand the Palestinian Presidency Institution to issue immediate resolution to adopt the 2014 aggressions martyrs and wounded like others martyrs and wounded.
- I.C.S.P.R demand the Palestinian Government particularly the Ministry of Finance of the importance of putting this issue on the financial priorities, and to stop the policy of discrimination between martyrs by their martyrdom.