A new year, welcomed by all peoples of the world, with roses and celebration and hope, with better future, on this occasion, The International Commission to support Palestinian people’s rights gives warmest wishes to all people in the world that have supported and standing up for the Palestinian people’s right of self-determination, freedom and independence.
The International Commission to support Palestinian people’s rights recalled that the Palestinian people still languish under Israeli occupation and their suffering is increasing as a result of the continued implementation of the Israeli State and its agents, both civilian and military a systematic violations, deliberately to commit extrajudicial killings, including daily field executions, and random arrests, torture of civilians in prisons and hurdle, Judaization and confiscating land comprises over settlement expansion and construction of the separation wall, and corresponds with the inability of the international community on the implementation of international legitimacy, and remove the injustice of the only people in the world living under occupation.
Peering at us new year 2017, Gaza is still groaning under the impact of the siege and its inhumane effects, of restrictions on freedom of movement and goods and deteriorating humanitarian conditions and high rates of poverty and unemployment, deteriorating health services, housing, education and health.
On the Palestinian level, we recall all the Palestinian political leadership that our people still pay day and night price for obnoxious internal division, as consequent building political system in contravention of the basic law and the Palestinian legislation, there is no clue as the absence of the role of the legislature in making laws and monitoring the work of the Executive and approval of budgets and development plans, division and the fragility of the judicial system and the predominance of the Executive authority over the three authorities.
The International Commission to support Palestinian people’s rights, In the name of all the homeless into refugee camps, political prisoners languishing in Israeli jails, wounded people, and dreamers with determination and building an independent Palestinian State, in the name of all seekers about morning shines without injustice and oppression and persecution, We call on all people of conscience, from all Nations:-
That the United bodies take their responsibilities and obligations to apply and accomplish its decisions to ensure the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, including resolutions reaffirming the illegality of the Israeli occupation and settlement, and work hard to activate the procedures provided for in title vi and VII of the Charter of the United Nations.
Providing international protection to the Palestinian people from Israeli crimes through appropriate action to compel the occupation to respect international humanitarian law and international human rights law.
Accelerate and activate the international criminal court procedures through completion of preliminary investigation, which should not last long, and initiate investigations to prosecute the offences described in Rome system committed against the Palestinian people.
Broaden our Palestinian solidarity campaigns and boycotts ,isolation of occupation politically, economically and culturally, academically, including careful investing in Palestinian communities to expand networks of solidarity and boycott of the occupation and to defend of the right of the Palestinian people to determine their own destiny.
Promote and guarantee the right of the Palestinians to fight against and resist the Israeli occupation by all available means, including the right of resistance in all forms, and review the course of negotiations with military occupier, rejecting security coordination, and increasing reliance on international resolutions and mechanisms and to seek, through appropriate and effective diplomatic moves.
Activate the role of Palestinian diplomacy at the regional, international and Islamic in exposing violations of occupation and levying an official situation supporting the right of our people in salvation from Israeli military occupation.
Building a network of international solidarity with Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails and detention centers, and support their struggles and promote prison whitening logo.
Break the siege on Gaza and open the boarders for the movement of people and goods and speed up reconstruction, and make plans to solve the problems of poverty and unemployment, electricity, health and education.
Termination and settlement of financial receivables for families of martyrs and 2005 and 2007 employee and return the salaries both cut their salaries for political reasons, or malicious reports.
Considering 2017 the year of return national unity, rebuild Palestinian political system as a new social contract based on democratic and participatory rehabilitation of the separation of powers and guarantee the unity and independence of the judiciary.
Adoption of the integration of women and youth in leadership positions of all components of the Palestinian political system.
This is the call of right and justice, call to dreamers in better tomorrow. And every honorable and loyal to recall.
International Commission to support Palestinian people’s rights
Occupied Palestine- Gaza strip