A humanitarian appealMain


On the international Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people,

ICSPR urges the international community to translate its solidarity with the Palestinian people into practical steps to end the Israeli occupation and to enable the Palestinian to exercise their legitimate rights.

The International Commission to Support the Palestinian Rights (ICSPR) greets the Palestinian people and the freedom fighters around the world on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, which comes on Wednesday 29 November 2017. The UN General Assembly adopted this day in 1977 to commemorate the resolution of Partition No. 181 of 29/11/1947 to draw the world’s attention to the Palestinian issue and suffering. The day also aims to emphasize on the concept that the Palestinian rights is inalienable according to the UN resolutions.

The suffering of the Palestinian people over the long years of the Israeli occupation has not ended until today. Israel continues occupying the Palestinian land with force, uprooting millions of Palestinians from their homes, committing the most heinous crimes against the Palestinian people in all places, imposing more sanctions on the civilian population in the context of the collective punishment policies. The Israeli action violates all international and humanitarian laws. The unjust siege imposed on the Gaza Strip is on top of these crimes.

The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People comes this year while the Israeli government and settlers attacks are intensified against the Palestinian people. These attacks resulted many field executions against civilians and children. Meanwhile the settlements construction is expanded on the Palestinian natural resources, which aims to end the dream of establishing an independent Palestinian state. The Israeli occupation continues its systematic policies, which violates the civil, political, economic and social rights of the Palestinian. Israel continues imposing a siege around the Gaza Strip, restrictions on the right of good and people movements inside Palestine. Israel goes further with its detention policies especially against children and women. All these actions violates the all the international norms and conventions.

This Day comes this year while the Palestinian refugees situation in the diaspora continues to deteriorate. Refugees are subject to physical abuse around the world especially in the Arab countries which experiencing armed conflict. The Palestinian refugees in Lebanon are deprived of their civil rights. There are around seven million Palestinian refugees displaced throughout the world living miserable circumstances. The Palestinian refugees live the same condition in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, which is under an unfair siege for 10 years in addition to the sanctions imposed by the official Palestinian level, which did not stop after completing the first chapter of the Palestinian reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah movements.

ICSPR considers the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people an opportunity to recognize the suffering of the Palestinians and draw the attention of the world to the ongoing tragedy, which is resulted from the denial of the Palestinian basic rights.  It is an opportunity to promote efforts to restore Palestinian rights, especially the right to self-determination, the right to independence and national sovereignty, and the right to return. ICSPR issues this urgent appeal, which calls the international community, Islamic and Palestinian leadership, all freedom fighters, humanity advocates, and the goodwill ambassadors to draw attention to the following:

1- ICSPR stresses that the international community is more than ever required to shoulder its legal and moral responsibilities individually and collectively, and to take practical measures that lead to respecting and ensuring the international principles and justice to end the occupation and to realize the legitimate and inalienable rights of the Palestinian people.

 2- ICSPR stresses that the international community and the United Nations should shoulder the historic responsibility of the Palestinian cause, which still unresolved and calls upon them to work hard to unify the efforts to end the occupation.

 3- ICSPR emphasize on the necessity to combine the friendly countries and international institutions efforts to implement UN decisions related to the rights of the Palestinian People, and to confront the American bias with Israel to stop the politicization of the Palestinian rights.

 4- ICSPR urges the United Nations to work hard to conduct an international conference to consider international mechanisms based on implementing international resolutions that are fair to the Palestinian people rights. ICSPR calls upon the United Nations not to sacrifice the rights of the Palestinian people and link it with the negotiations path. The Palestinian rights do not accept compromise under any pretext.

 5-ICSPR considers the solidarity with the Palestinian People as solidarity with the rights, values, principles and texts of international laws and conventions which is recognized by world except Israel and who support it.

 6- ICSPR calls the Palestinian, Arab and Islamic diplomacy to work hard to uphold the Palestinian right in the international forums, in order to ensure that the Israeli leaders are subject to trail under the context of committing war crimes.

7- ICSPR expresses its deep thanks to all the friendly countries and individuals that supported the struggle and the Palestinian cause. This support created a great movement that support the Palestinian and boycott the Israeli occupation, which became a great Israeli concern.

 8- ICSPR calls upon the Palestinian government to immediately announce and implement short-term Palestinian government plans to address the consequences of the resent collective punishment in the Gaza Strip, including a quick decision to resolve the electricity, medical referrals and treatment, and the employee problem.

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