I.C.S.P.R: The Israeli Crime in Um al-Hiran village an attitude involve Forced Migration based on Racial Discrimination and Abuse of International Law.
International Commission to Support Palestinians Rights (I.C.S.P.R) noted with concern committing the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) in Wednesday dawn 18th January 2017, a new crime in Um al-Hiran village in Negev, by breaking and surrounding the village in order to demolish houses and evacuate residents, following the issuance of the decision of the Israeli Supreme Court “evacuation of Palestinian residents of the village to start setting up an Israeli settlement on its ashes.”
And accompany it with security forces army surrounded the village to fire different types of shot at the protesters and demonstrators of the villagers, on the demolition plan and forced them to migrate, what led to the execution of a youth Jacob Moussa Hussein Abo Al-Qiaa’n , and several people wounded, including the deputy in Joint List at the Knesset Ayman Odeh.
A home to some 400 Palestinian families, Um al-Hiran has been increasingly subjected to demolish their homes and forcefully evicted from their land in order to uproot the village and deport its native Palestinian residents, setting the stage for building Jewish settlement on the ruins on this Palestinian village.
This new Israeli crime comes meanwhile continuing Military Israeli occupation practicing the settlement crime including operations of illegal annexation of the occupied territories, forced migration of the residents from their lands and ethnic cleansing, Israeli practices have created an apartheid system, which the settlers have privileges and the State support including the Israeli judiciary organs , depriving the Palestinians from their basic human rights.
International Commission to Support Palestinians Rights (I.C.S.P.R) condemns the Israeli crime committed in Um Al-Hiran village in Negev, and recall the international community of the Security Council resolution, which demand the Military Israeli occupation to stop settlement activity in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, It demand the following:
1- I.C.S.P.R demand the international community especially the Security Council to intervene to force Israel to stop all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory, forced migration and racial discrimination crimes.
2- I.C.S.P.R emphasizes that all Israeli settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territories and the racial discrimination crimes are considered a war crime under international humanitarian law.
3-I.C.S.P.R considers that Israeli crime in Um Al- Hiran village, carrying clear Israeli contempt in international resolutions and international law.
4-I.C.S.P.R consider the International community silence about the Israeli racist practices; give it the green light to continue its racism projects and its crimes against Palestinian human and his land.