Mousa: Creating an information page on the ICC website is a unique opportunity to convey the voice of Palestinian victims
Mousa: Creating an information page on the ICC website is a unique opportunity to communicate the voice of Palestinian victims
Samer Mousa -a lawyer and human rights activist at the International Commission (ICSPR)- stressed that the best way to confront and expose the Israeli crimes against Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip requires all the free people of the world to protest to demand the permanent International Criminal Court; in particular the court Registry, to work without delay to implement the decision of the Pre-Trial Chamber of the Court, issued on 13 July 2017, by which ordered the Registry to establish a special system for communication with Palestinian victims, through the establishment of an information page on the Court’s website, dedicated to victims in Palestine, where the Court will later provide information to the Office of the Prosecutor of the Court when it decides to complete the preliminary examination of the Palestinian case and to initiate a criminal investigation.
Mousa also indicated that the implementation of the above decision is a unique opportunity to ensure conveying the voice of victims to the International Criminal Court, especially as the decision is in line with the contents of the strategic plan on awareness of the International Criminal Court, adopted at the fifth session of all States parties to the Court in The Hague on 23rd of November 2006