The International Commission “Hashd” condemns the increase in crimes committed by the occupation in the occupied Palestinian territory.
Reference number: 92/2023
Date: September 24, 2023
Native language: Arabic
Press release
The International Commission “Hashd” condemns the increase in crimes committed by the occupation in the occupied Palestinian territory.
The International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights (Hashd) is monitoring the escalation of the occupation authorities’ war crimes against the Palestinians, their sanctuaries, and their assets with great concern and denunciation, In addition, today, Sunday, September 24, 2023, in the morning, additional people suffered from various injuries.
The most recent of these crimes was the occupation forces’ storming of the Tulkarm and Ain Shams camps in the occupied West Bank with heavy equipment and weapons, which led to the martyrdom of two Palestinians.
According to statistics accessible to Hashd, Israeli occupation forces used excessive and lethal force throughout the entry process and dealing with the citizens, resulting in the death of two of them, “Sayed Jabaawi,” 21 years old, and “Abdul Rahman Abu Daghash.” 32 years and several injuries in a new crime demonstrating the extent of disregard for the rules of international humanitarian law, bringing the current year’s death toll to approximately 254 martyrs, including 207 in the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem, and 43 others from the Gaza Strip, including approximately 46 children under the age of 18 and 11 women.
According to international and local organizations, approximately (31) peaceful civilian demonstrators were injured in the Gaza Strip after occupation soldiers deliberately targeted the demonstrators on the Gaza Strip’s eastern border, in protest against the continued imposition of the siege and illegal restrictions, and their disastrous repercussions on various human rights, where most of the Injuries with live bullets in the lower extremities, using excessive force and to cause unjustified pain and suffering, disability of movement, and cases of damage to tissues and bone and muscle mass, which led to the amputation of limbs in many of the injuries in previous times, according to doctors’ testimonies.
This morning, Sunday, September 24, 2023, settlers’ intrusions into the sacred Al-Aqsa Mosque intensified in huge numbers, through the Mughrabi Gate, with strong occupation police protection. They carried out their Talmudic ceremonies there, just as the occupying soldiers restricted worshipers’ access to the mosque. Al-Aqsa since dawn hours, including preventing them from entering, withholding their ID cards at the doors, and forcibly removing them, in addition to large-scale arrest campaigns against Jerusalemites and visitors to Al-Aqsa Mosque, and transforming the occupied city of Jerusalem into a military barracks, all in the name of imposing the apartheid regime and changing the landmarks and features of the city, and the imposition of a fait accompli by brute force, within the framework of imposing a plan to divide it temporally and spatially, in a manner that violates the lowest international charters and resolutions related to the holy and occupied city.
The planning and execution of these crimes coincide with the escalation of Israeli occupation forces’ crimes against Palestinians in the occupied territories, as well as the acceleration of cold-blooded killings and field executions in Jenin, Nablus, Tulkarm, and the Gaza Strip, as well as the intensification of land confiscation campaigns, the legalization of colonial settlement, and the processes of annexation and Judaization of Jerusalem and the West Bank. In addition to imposing collective punishments on Palestinians, escalating arbitrary arrests and torture of inmates in occupation jails, and maintaining aggression and blockade on the Gaza Strip, the US government has imposed collective punishments on Palestinians, the last of which was the imposition of collective punishments represented by the continued closure of the Beit Hanoun crossing to the labor movement for the 7th day in a row.
The International Commission for Supporting the Rights of the Palestinian People (Hashd) expresses its deep concern about the accelerating pace of attacks on holy places by settlers and with the protection of the occupation forces, the escalation of storming operations into Palestinian cities and camps, the escalation of settlement activity, settler attacks, and systematic cases of killing and field executions, which are carried out by the Israeli military occupation forces.
Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, considering that these crimes once again expose a horrific Israeli policy based on blatant denial of Palestinians’ most basic rights, and emphasizing that these types of violations constitute a flagrant violation of all rules of international humanitarian law, particularly the provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention and the Rome Statute establishing the permanent International Criminal Court; And international human rights standards, warning of the consequences of the crimes of allowing settlers to storm Al-Aqsa Mosque and the practices of Judaization, Israelization, and desecration of the occupied city and its sanctities, within the framework of changing the features of the historical and legal status of the city and its sanctities, and warning of the consequences of spatial and temporal control over Al-Aqsa Mosque, as it represents a blatant disregard for the feelings of millions Muslims, which would fuel the conflict in the region.
it registers and demands the following:
The International Commission (Hashd): reiterates its firm position that the occupation forces would not have dared to commit their crimes against civilians and civilian objects if it had not been for the international community’s silence and inability, as well as the continuation of the policy of double standards, which gives the occupying state immunity from international criminal accountability.
The International Commission (Hashd): calls on the international community to take immediate and serious action to hold the occupation leaders accountable for their crimes against civilians, as well as to take effective and immediate measures to stop the gross violations of human rights, which herald a new tragic chapter in the Palestinian people’s lives.
The International Commission (Hashd): Urges the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to work seriously to provide international protection for Palestinians and to fulfill their obligations under Article 1 of the Convention, which states that they pledge to respect the Convention and to ensure its respect in all circumstances.
The International Commission (Hashd) urges Attorney General Karim Khan to abandon his policy of procrastination and delay and work diligently to expedite the investigation steps into Israeli crimes against Palestinians, thereby enhancing victory for victims and the independence and effectiveness of the International Court in holding Israeli occupation leaders accountable as war criminals.
The International Commission (Hashd): Urges the international community and the free people of the world to condemn Israeli occupation crimes and support the rights of the Palestinian people, including mobilizing international organizations and governments to take practical steps to boycott the occupying state and impose sanctions on it to end occupation crimes, hypocritical policies, and selective implementation of international law.
The International Commission (Hashd): urges the Palestinian Authority to use all legal, diplomatic, and political channels to internationalize occupation crimes, including the Judaization of Jerusalem and its holy sites and field executions.
The International Commission (Hashd): calls on all parties and national components to immediately move towards reconciliation, end division, and strengthen partnership, allowing for the adoption of a unified struggle strategy that would raise the cost of the occupation and increase citizens’ steadfastness, as a practical response to the current national challenges.