ICSPR Israel’s violations against Jerusalem show the superiority of the occupying State over international law and jurisprudence
International Commission to Support Palestinian right (ICSPR) followed with concern and condemnation the escalation of Israeli violation in the occupied East Jerusalem, the military Israeli action comes as a complement of Israeli actions and procedures, which based on judaization of Jerusalem and area domination on al-Aqsa Mosque moreover depriving its indigenous peoples from their guaranteed rights by international law.
According to the information, the Israeli occupation forces lunched new procedures on Friday afternoon 14, July 2017 to close Al-Aqsa Mosque in front of worshipers and citizens ,and forbidding prayers inside it, and closing the old city till now, that was accompanied with other procedures such as physical assault ,arrests ,and detention of number of citizen including the holy land Mufti.
The Military Israeli Occupation impose terror and terrorism against the Palestinian civilians and impede their right of religious practices, and legalize using guns to settlers in the occupied territory to counter the Palestinians under various pretexts, In addition to tight restrictions on the entry of the old city of Jerusalem, and punish merchants and citizens, and isolating the Palestinian neighborhoods and building walls and barriers around, passing bills to inspect Palestinians without suspicion, and demolitions house as collective punishment, all of this is a method to create a new reality unbearable to live, and control on Jerusalem especially on the Al-Aqsa Mosque and old town.
International Commission to Support Palestinian right (ICSPR) condemns the international, regional and Arab silence on these violations committed by the Israeli occupation authorities in the Holy City, which is an encouraging factor for the occupation authorities to continue their violations, the Israeli Government superiority over international law, and abandon all moral and legal obligations under international humanitarian law.
International Commission to Support Palestinian right (ICSPR) emphasizing the need of the occupying Power’s commitment to legal and ethical rules imposed by the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, including guaranteeing freedom of worship and access to holy places, and not to obstruct or deprive them of practicing their religion, ICSPR condemns IOF escalation against the civilian in Jerusalem, which is considered as serious violations of the norms of international law and international humanitarian law, ICSPR record and calls for:
ICSPR condemns international and Arab silence, which considered as a green light to the Israeli occupation as a cover for its crimes, and it considers consistent with Israeli propaganda, and called upon the international community to assume its legal and moral responsibilities and protecting civilians in the Palestinian territories and particularly in Jerusalem.
ICSPR emphasizes that Israeli violations committed against Jerusalem violate all humanitarian and legal standards, and they reflect the highest levels of disregard of lives and property of Palestinian civilians and their rights according to the International Convention.
ICSPR considers that the imposition of Israeli military forces a variety of complex security procedures, collective punishments and arrests against Palestinians in the Holy City, is a racial discrimination and constitutes an international crime.
ICSPR demanding to establish an International Commission of inquiry about the Israeli violations against the Palestinians, especially in Jerusalem, such violations including ascending to war crimes and crimes against humanity.
ICSPR calls upon the international community organizations, specialized agencies, Arabic and Islamic countries, to intervene and pressure on the occupying power to stop escalating violations in Jerusalem, in order to stop these