The International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights (ICSPR) condemns the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) committing war crimes against civilians protesters who went on protest after Trump declaration of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
According to available information, on Friday, December 16, 2017, IOF killed 4 Palestinian and injured 367 others, 7 serious injuries were among them. The martyrs are Mohamed Amen Aqel ,19, who was executed in the city of Al-Bireh in cold blood and in front of the press cameras. He was accused of carrying out a stabbing operation. The paramedics were also prevented from reaching and saving Mohameds life. Bassel Mustafa Ibrahim, 29, Anata- Jerusalem, Yasser Sukkar, 23, and 29-year-old Ibrahim Abu Thuria after being hit by a bullet in the east of Gaza City and it is worth mentioning that the fourth martyr of the wounded people after aggression 2014.
ICSPR expresses its deep condemnation of the continued deliberate or disproportionate targeting of civilians and civilian objects by the Israeli occupying forces. ICSPR considers targeting civilians as grave violation of international law, leading to dangerous deterioration of the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories. Meanwhile the siege on the Gaza Strip, the continuing crimes of settlement, Judaization of Jerusalem, and the high frequency of attacks and excessive use of armed force by the Israeli occupation forces in the face of unarmed demonstrators continue. ICSPR recorded and calls for the following:
1- ICSPR expresses its concern about the deterioration of the situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory because of the continuing impunity of the occupation and the American cover and bias that has become a full partnership in the crimes of aggression against the rights of the Palestinian people.
2- ICSPR confirms that the continued use of force by the IOF and the implementation of extrajudicial executions is considered a war crime according to the rules of international humanitarian law, especially article 147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention for the Protection of Civilians and the Rome Statute establishing the permanent international criminal court.
3- ICSPR calls upon the Palestinian leadership to refer the files of the crimes of the occupation to the International Criminal Court as stipulated in Article 14 of the Rome Charter, which would enhance the chances of impunity for Israeli crimes. .
4- ICSPR urges the international community, the United Nations and the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Convention to intervene to stop the crimes of the occupation and its escalating violations, to provide international protection to the Palestinians and to move urgently and immediately against the Israeli occupation forces for their repeated crimes in the Gaza Strip,
5- ICSPR urges international organizations, especially the United Nations, the UN Security Council, the Human Rights Council, regional organizations, especially the League of Arab States and the Organization of the Islamic Conference, and regional and international parliamentary associations to intervene to ensure the protection of the rights of the Palestinian people.
6- ICSPR calls upon the Palestinian leadership to disassociate itself from the obligations of the Oslo Accords and to adhere to the full national rights established by the resolutions of international legitimacy and to demand the countries of the world, especially the European countries, to recognize the state of Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital
7- ICSPR mobilize the Palestinian leadership to calls for action at the national, regional and international levels to address the crimes of the Israeli occupation and to activate all mechanisms and international resolutions and seek to enforce them through appropriate and effective diplomatic and legal moves.
8- ICSPR appreciates all Palestinian, Arab and international popular movements, and call upon the free world to promote campaigns of boycotting and isolating the occupation politically, economically, culturally and academically, and expanding campaigns of solidarity with the rights of the Palestinian people..
9- ICSPR calls upon the Palestinian leadership to work to strengthen the steadfastness of the citizens and institutions in the city of Jerusalem, to lift the siege on the Gaza Strip and to open the crossings to the movement of individuals and goods and accelerate the reconstruction, ending collective punishment imposed on the Gaza Strip, accelerate the restoration of national unity..