
ICSPR: Hospitals and health centers in Gaza Strip are entering a critical stage due to the worsening fuel shortage crisis.

Ref: 88/2018

Date: 10 Sep 2018

Press Release,

ICSPR: Hospitals and health centers in Gaza Strip are entering a critical stage due to the worsening fuel shortage crisis.

The International Commission to Support Palestinians’ Rights (ICSPR) is concerned about the health situation in Gaza Strip, which is witnessing an unprecedented deterioration due to the worsening fuel crisis required to operate the generators, especially in light of the lack of any hope from the donors to supply new quantities of fuel, and the Israeli siege and the punitive measures by the National Reconciliation Government, which effects affected the health and medical services and constituted an additional challenge to the provision of appropriate health services.

According to a press release published by the Ministry of Health in Gaza Strip on Sunday, 09 September 2018, the health conditions in hospitals and health centers have been exacerbated by the worsening fuel crisis, which could lead to serious consequences, including disruption of health services, as happened in Beit Hanoun hospital for eight days, which deprived 350,000 people of the hospital’s service and health care through its departments of  surgery, nose-ear and throat, pediatric surgery, operations, emergency, laboratory, radiology and outpatient clinic. The press release indicates that the continuation of the crisis imposes a state of confusion on the reality of health due to postponement of surgical operations and blood tests, and the work of the Department of Radiology.

ICSPR considers the lack of fuel for hospitals and medical centers puts the lives of Palestinian patients at risk of death, especially in light of the high numbers of wounded among demonstrators in the return marches, and considers this statement as Humanitarian appeal to all international agencies to prevent the suspension of hospitals and health centers from work. Therefore, ICSPR demands the following:

  1. ICPSR warns against continuing to ignore the unprecedented deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Gaza Strip due to the continued Israeli siege on Gaza Strip, the continued collective punishment imposed by the Palestinian presidency and government, and the inability of Palestinian parties to overcome the state of division, which exacerbated the magnitude of the crises experienced by the population of Gaza Strip, which threatens all aspects of life.
  2. ICSPR urges donors to work quickly to regularly provide fuel supply, where the amount of fuel needed for operation generators in hospitals and medical centers is about 18,000 liters of diesel per month.
  3. ICSPR urges the World Health Organization and relevant intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations to urgently intervene to provide fuel and medical treatment and supplies for patients in Gaza Strip.
  4. ICSPR urges the international community to refrain from perpetuating politicization of Palestinian issues, and force the Israeli occupation state to immediately end its siege on Gaza Strip, and to end its policies and procedures against Palestinian patients and to hold them responsible for their lives.
  5. ICSPR renews its call on the National Accord Government to stop all actions that harm the population in Gaza, especially targeting the health sector, spare the health sector more risks and deterioration, and provide all forms of support, especially as the health sector in Gaza is in dire need of support


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