The International Commission (ICSPR): For the 21st consecutive day the Israeli occupation forces escalate their crimes in the Gaza Strip and continue to target the participants in the return marches and break the siege.

The International Commission (ICSPR): For the 21st consecutive day the Israeli occupation forces escalate their crimes in the Gaza Strip and continue to target the participants in the return marches and break the siege.

رمزي ابو العون

 Ref: 84/2018


Press Release

The International Commission (ICSPR): For the 21st consecutive day the Israeli occupation forces escalate their crimes in the Gaza Strip and continue to target the participants in the return marches and break the siege.

 The International Commission to Support Palestinians’ Rights (ICSPR) Condemns the continued Israeli occupation forces targeting civilians participating in the events of the march of return and breaking the siege of the Gaza Strip for the 21st consecutive day under the name of “Friday Revolution for Jerusalem”, Where the Israeli occupation forces resorted to the use of excessive and lethal force in the course of dealing with children, women and young people participating in those marches, despite the absence of any threat or real threat to the lives of soldiers in the area of ​​demonstrations, It also deliberately targets medical personnel and journalists. According to information from the Palestinian Ministry of Health in  Gaza Strip, since Friday afternoon, August 17, 2018 until 21:00 local time, The Israeli occupation forces killed: Karim Abu Fatair (30 years), from the central area, and Sa’adi Akram Ahmed Abu Mu’ammar, 27, from Rafah. About 270 demonstrators were wounded by live bullets and grenades. Tear gas, among the injuries (19) children under the age of 18, And (9) in the ranks of medical personnel, bringing the number of victims among the peaceful demonstrators since 30 March 2018 to the deaths of about 170 civilians, including (27) children, and (3) women, and (2) journalists, (3) paramedics, (3) persons with disabilities, More than 18,300 Palestinians were injured, including 3,540 children, 1,728 women, 251 journalists and 370 medical personnel. The International Commission to Support Palestinians’ Rights (ICSPR) considers the persistence of the occupation forces in the policy of killing peaceful demonstrators, a renewed cycle of Israeli policy that entails continued denial and disregard for the human rights system and international humanitarian law, in the light of the political decisions of the highest levels in the Israeli occupation state, Which provides a green light for the soldiers to kill more Palestinian civilians, in the implementation of a systematic plan, and in this context, the field evidence is many, Especially the repeated crimes targeting children, women, medical staff and journalists for Friday 21 respectively.In view of this, ICSPR  demand the following:

1.      ICSPR strongly condemns the crimes committed by the Israeli occupation forces, and affirms that they are the result of the continued impunity of the occupying Power for its crimes, in view of the double standards and international standards that still control the approach of international justice.2.      ICSPR affirms that the Israeli occupation forces deliberately kill the demonstrators, constitutes a full-fledged war crime in accordance with the Fourth Geneva Convention and the Rome Statute establishing the International Criminal Court. It therefore calls on the international community and the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to work hard to hold accountable and boycott and isolate the Israeli Occupying Power.

2.      ICSPR renews its warning to the Israeli occupation and its military forces against the policy of continuing to target civilians and demonstrators peacefully, and to hold them legally responsible for this, and warns the international community against the continued silence on the Israeli crimes committed against the demonstrators.

3.      ICSPR affirms that the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention have a legal obligation under article 1 of the Convention, under which they undertake to respect and ensure respect for the Convention in all circumstances, as well as their obligations under article 146 of the Convention to prosecute persons accused of committing grave breaches of the Convention 5.      ICSPR calls upon the Palestinian leadership and diplomacy to activate its role by referring the files of physical violations and Israeli war crimes to the International Criminal Court pursuant to Article 14 of the Rome Statute, including the crimes of the occupation against demonstrators peacefully in the return marches, which will ensure that Israeli criminals are not punished.


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