The International Commission (ICSPR) condemns the Israeli escalation, the attack on Gaza’s Naval convoy (Freedom Ships), and the International silence towards the Israeli crimes.

The International Commission (ICSPR) condemns the Israeli escalation, the attack on Gaza’s Naval convoy (Freedom Ships), and the International silence towards the Israeli crimes.

رمزي ابو العون

Date: May 29, 2018

Press Release,

Preventing the continued Israeli military escalation and the piracy of the Gaza Naval convoy.

The International Commission (ICSPR) condemns the Israeli escalation, the attack on Gaza’s Naval convoy (Freedom Ships), and the International silence towards the Israeli crimes.

The International Commission to Support Palestinians’ Rights (ICSPR) condemns the Israeli Navy’s piracy and detention of the Freedom Ship carrying 18 peaceful participants of sick, wounded and students, which aims to shed the light on the daily suffering of citizens due to the 12 years of siege on Gaza strip that amount to crime against humanity. According to eyewitnesses, at 3:30 pm on Tuesday, 29/3/2018 the Israeli naval forces intercepted the Freedom Ship 12 miles away from the shores of Gaza Strip, and has drove it to the port of Ashdod. This was accompanied by a serious Israeli escalation in Gaza Strip, as the Israeli artillery and warplanes of various types have carried out numerous military attacks on different areas of Gaza Strip.

ICSPR condemns the Israeli crime against the voyage and considers the Israeli occupation forces’ clamping down on Palestinian civilians with no weapons other than moral force is a renewed attempt to deprive the Palestinians of their recognized rights. ICSPR emphasizing on the illegality of the Israeli siege and collective punishment imposed on the population of Gaza Strip, which makes the breaking and ending of the siege a legal and moral duty, it also expresses its deep concern at the current Israeli military escalation, which may constitute a prelude to new Israeli aggression against Gaza Strip, which consequences would be disastrous and destructive to Palestinian civilians in accordance with past experiences. Therefore:

  1. ICSPR emphasizes on the right of Palestinians to travel and transport by all means, including the use of maritime transport.
  2. ICSPR calls on the international community to condemn the attack and the arrest of the participants of the Freedom Ship, and demand to pressure the Israeli occupation state to release them.
  3. ICSPR calls upon the United Nations and its various bodies, the European Union, the League of Arab States, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Convention to carry out their moral and legal responsibilities to force the Israeli occupation to lift the siege on Gaza Strip and end the suffering of 2 million people in Gaza.
  4. ICSPR calls upon the International Community and the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Convention to urge the Israeli occupation forces to stop the current escalation in Gaza Strip and force them to stop further crimes against Palestinian civilians and to lift the siege imposed on Gaza Strip, which resulted a devastating humanitarian impact on the overall life of the sector.


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